Wordom is a (simple) command line utility conceived to spare the user some time in manipulating and converting dcd, xtc, pdb, crd and xyz files. Wordom is also a versatile program for a broad range of molecular structure and dynamics analysis. As a plus, it’s easy to use in shell scripts. Due to its simplicity, it is very easy and straightforward to add your own analysis module. Basically, most of what you have to do is write the algorithm – the data are made available by the existing wordom i/o modules

  • PSNTools:

    PSNtools is a command line program which allows calculation and post-processing of PSN analyses carried out either on single structures or on conformational ensembles. Relevant unique and novel features of PSNtools are either comparisons of two networks or computations of consensus networks on sets of homologous/analogous macromolecular structures or conformational ensembles. Network comparisons and consensus serve to infer differences in functionally different states of the same system or network-based signatures in groups of bio-macromolecules sharing either the same functionality or the same fold


    WebPSN is a webserver to setup and run a procedure based on a mixed Protein Structure Network (PSN) and Elastic Network Model-Normal Mode Analysis (ENM-NMA) approach (i.e. PSN-ENM) to investigate structural communication in biomacromolecules

  • FiPD:

    Fipd is used to analyse data coming from a ZDOCK run